The story

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Our Beginnings

Behind our delicious line of Fit Yogurt products, stands a dedicated team of doctors and nutritionists. Our journey to your neighborhood freezer aisle began over 40 years ago in, well, the dirt. On our NC family farm we harvested vegetables, grew watermelon, churned ice cream, drove tractors, fought gnats, shooed hogs, and ultimately sustained our community with fresh organic products.

Our Commitment

One of the greatest lessons learned throughout our agricultural experience has been that “your word is your Bond.” We worked hard daily to maintain the trust our small community instilled in us to deliver safe and heathy food for their families. That hard work and passion served as a foundation for educational endeavors into the healthcare profession with focuses in biochemistry, pharmacology, physiology, psychology, and nutritional counseling. For us, it re-enforced that what we eat matters. We saw first-hand the effects improper nutrition and excessive sugar can have on children. Our mission is to introduce a variety of alternative snacks with great taste, but less sugar!

Members of the community picks peaches as the College of Agriculture hosts their annual U-Pick Peaches Event on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 in Chico, Calif. Visitors are encouraged to pick their own peaches for purchase at the University Farm.
(Jessica Bartlett/Student Photographer)

Our Products

The Fit Yogurt line of products are developed with nutrition in mind. They reduce sugar intake but maintain a rich and creamy taste you’ll crave! But don’t take our word for it. Check out our reviews which show taste tests with some of the toughest critics—middle and high school students. We profiled what kids like and refined our recipe based on their feedback. From growing food for our local community to producing tastier, healthier snack alternatives, we are broadening our mission to live healthier across the country.